Nutriční kritéria

Product Group Criterie Definition
Meat, poultry, eggs
SAFA: ≤ 1.1 g/100g or ≤ 13 en%
TFA: ≤ 0.1 g/100g***
Sodium: ≤ 100 mg/100g
Added sugars: not added
All types of unprocessed meat, poultry and eggs (including
frozen meat that has not undergone further processing).
E.g.: beef, pork, turkey, egg, game, lamb, and offal.
Processed meat, meat
products and meat
SAFA: ≤ 1.1 g/100g or ≤ 13 en%
TFA: ≤ 0.1 g/100g***
Sodium: ≤ 900 mg/100g
Added sugars: ≤ 2.5g/100g
All types of processed meat/poultry, meat products and
(vegetable) meat substitutes. E.g.: ready-to-eat meatballs,
spiced or salted meat (fresh or frozen), salami, smoke-dried
beef, grilled ham, tempeh, tofu, dairy-based meat substitute,
fungus-based meat substitute.
Fresh or fresh frozen
fish, shellfish and
SAFA: ≤ 1.1 g/100g or
≤ 30 % of total fat
TFA: ≤ 0.1 g/100g
Sodium: ≤ 100 mg/100g
Added sugars: not added
All types of unprocessed fish, crustaceans and shellfish
(including frozen, steamed or smoked fish that has not
undergone further processing). E.g.: uncooked herring, cod
(fresh or deep-frozen), fresh eel, lobster crab, mussel, and
Processed fish or fish
SAFA: ≤ 1.1 g/100g or
≤ 30 % of total fat
TFA: ≤ 0.1 g/100g
Sodium: ≤ 450 mg/100g
Added sugars: not added
All types of processed fish, processed crustaceans and
processed shellfish. E.g.: cod parings, fried fillet of haddock,
deep-fried octopus/ squid (cephalopod), pickled mussels,
herring in tomato sauce, canned sardines, canned tuna,
spiced or salted fish (fresh or frozen).

*** Naturally occurring trans fatty acids from meat or milk are excluded.

**** If all of the components of the product comply with the criteria of their respective product group, and if the product is in line with the energy and fibre criterion for its product group, then the product also complies with the criteria.